About The Awesome ZeeBros Fishing Team......
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Overnight Trip October 2002

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Our humble tribute

The Real Man Test

Gar Fishing In Cuba

What We're About
Soon, we'll have a huge following of faithful fishermen. They will send us lots of money. We can then build huge palaces and an army to guard them.
We will then erect large statues and paintings of ourselves all over ZeeBrodad, including ZeeBro International Airport. We can collect huge quantities of illegal tackle, forbidden by the U.N., and bury them in the forests. We can stockpile massive amounts of rotten bait and chum, and open the containers when the unfaithful try to de-throne us. We can............oh, wait....

We're about fishing ! Inshore, offshore, salt and freshwater. The only thing we don't fish for are catfish and carp. Listening to Jimmy Buffet. Drinking beer back at the dock. But most of all, we're about getting away from the mundane dreary day to day happenings, letting whats left of our hair down and enjoying life ! It's not the meat we bring back, it's not about the numbers we catch. Well, okay, it is a little. It's about appreciation for Creation and His glory, respect and appreciation for our quarry. It's about friends; old ones that hang in there, the new ones we make nearly every trip. We're about the next generation coming up with these ideals and principals.

Why We Started This Site......
We decided to start our own website to share with others our love, passion and yes, obsession with fishing, and our appreciation for Creation and all of its inhabitants and resources. We believe in taking some fish for food, but also strongly believe in conservation for the future. We always observe size and creel limits, and frequently practice catch and release, even with perfectly legal game. Save some for future generations! Also, we belong to several conservation organizations, like the Recreational Fishing Alliance (RFA). Join up!
We believe in God and country, and in honoring our flag and all the veterans who fought for it to give us the many freedoms we enjoy today.
We believe in respect for our elders, and holding doors open for them and the ladies.
We believe in children, and teaching them to be good, solid citizens, with respect for others and for nature.
We also believe in being "Politically Incorrect", and if anybody is offended by our beliefs in good old-fashioned morals and values, then they can LEAVE RIGHT NOW! We belong to PETA, People Eating Tasty Animals. Just check out our political views page.

Many Thanks To......
We would like to give thanks to our families (many of which are pictured above), our old and new friends, the many fine Charter Captains and deckhands we have fished with (see links) but most of all to the Good Lord for creating this beautiful world, and allowing us to enjoy the beauty and splendor of Mother, Mother Ocean and all of her inhabitants. Thanks!

ZeeBros political views website
Zeebros on Politics